Hello There!

Burnout is awful. And you know what's worse? Feeling like it's a taboo topic nobody is willing to approach.
I wrote The Well Helper so helping professionals no longer have to feel alone in their challenges. My mission is to give you a robust set of tools and strategies to do better than just avoid burnout - I want you thriving, growing, and feeling deeply rewarded and gratified by your work.
My name is Kate. I'm a psychologist and an associate professor in a clinical psychology doctoral program. I have worked and trained in a variety of medical and mental health care settings. Along the way, I have collaborated with all kinds of helping professionals - doctors, nurses, social workers, to name a few. I have also trained countless helpers to better care for their own well-being over the years as a speaker, educator, and workshop leader.

I've also been on the burnout roller coaster myself, and figured out a few things from the school of hard knocks. I hope The Well Helper proves useful to you, and that I'll have the opportunity to meet and help you down the line.